Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday update

Clara looked nice and healthy today although she gets a little shy when people try to check for her movements. She will be going crazy when it's just Jason and I and then as soon as she has to get monitored she gets all quiet. Hmmmmmmm......I wonder what that means about her personality? Maybe she will be a little shy like her daddy. :)

Since everything looked good on the ultrasound and monitoring we got the option of having another day and a half to prepare ourselves. After talking and praying together we decided to begin the induction process on Thursday morning (so I will be admitted into the hospital). Now, this does not necessarily mean we will be having her Thursday. They will start us off with a stronger medicine that will further "ripen" the cervix (It's STILL not considered "ready" as of today). They will begin this Thursday morning and it will continue for about 12 hours. Then at night they will take it out and let me rest. I have to stay in the hospital for this because Clara and I have to be constantly monitored. We have a choice between two medicines so please pray for wisdom as to which one to take. Both of them have the possibility of putting you into labor.
If labor does not start by Friday morning then they will start me on pitocin if my cervix is "ready."

We will have our laptop in the hospital so if you want to check back for any updates you can. In the meanwhile please pray for...
  • Clara's continued healthiness
  • Wisdom to make any medical decisions
  • Us to trust and be at peace with God's plan
  • My body to respond well to these medicines
  • Jason and I to be patient and loving with each other

1 comment:

  1. I love you girl! I will be praying for all to go as God has planned for this amazing time of your life!!! So exciting...It's crazy that God had this planned out for your life even before you were born. So awesome! You are going to do great so "don't be anxious about anything but with prayer and petition submit your requests to the Lord!" I'm here for you if you need anything...and you know I mean anything.

