Saturday, November 24, 2012


Last night when I got in bed I told Jason how overwhelmed with thankfulness I was. And then I kept going on about why. I think he wanted me to stop talking. haha! What a lot of people do during the Thanksgiving season is say something they're thankful for each day during November. I really wanted to do something like this with the girls but never got around to organizing anything. So here's my top 10 in no particular order... 

1. My husband who, after almost 7 years, still impresses me with his sacrificial love
2. The sweet TINY BABY growing inside me 
3. Christ's overwhelming mercy toward me
4. My 2 silly, sweet, beautiful little girls that keep me laughing. And who daily give me a glimpse into how God  unconditionally loves His children. 
5. My best friends who are ALWAYS there for me to vent to and do life together. 
6. For mine and Jason's family. And how enjoyable they are to be around ;) 
7. Our house. 
8. The way God has ALWAYS provided for us. 
9. Belonging to a church whose main mission is to reach people who don't know Christ. 
10. Chick fil a, Target, makeup, Jason NOT training for a triathlon, microwaves, going out to eat and, of course, coffee. 

So far, this pregnancy has been so much fun! When I was pregnant with Ella, Clara really didn't get what was going on. Now I get to experience everything with her, watch her be excited and answer her various questions. She frequently asks me how the baby got in there. Hmmmmmmm.......
Poor Ella has no idea what's coming! Knowing how much she LOVES babies I think she will be super excited. Clara goes back and forth every day about what she thinks the sex is. Jason and I honestly don't know! We picture ourselves with 3 girls so the thought of a boy seems crazy! Hopefully tiny baby will give us an answer and show us its goods (or lack thereof?) when we go to our appointment on December 13th! (I am currently 17 weeks and 5 days). 

Oh, and a minor detail, JASON COMPLETED HIS FIRST HALF IRONMAN!!! I am so so proud of him. In case you don't know, a half Ironman is a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run. He is CRAAAAZZYYYY! That's why I love him. 

Some pictures from October and November...

Our Tiny Baby at 12 weeks. Are you a boy or girl???

My little Aggies

Mermaid and Tinkerbell

Best Frands 


Baking on Thanksgiving morning. Now you know what I look like in the mornings. Scary, huh?

Chaz helping with the turkey in Nana's FANTASTIC apron


Clara decorating her little tree for her room

We decided to get a REAL Christmas tree this year! Come on Clara, look happy, smile with the pretty trees behind you...

...there ya go

It was Ella's turn this year to put the star on top...

Clara had to fix it though

Looking forward to celebrating Jesus' birthday, watching Christmas movies, making cookies and trying to teach Clara and Ella the spirit of giving. This will be a work in progress! HAHA  :)