Monday, November 2, 2009


Clara turned 3 months this past week! I can't believe my baby is a quarter of a year old! She also had her first Halloween. She was in her costume for approximately 23.5 minutes before she passed out. I woke her up to take pictures with Madilyn and she wasn't too happy at first, poor thing. Jason and I threw some "costumes" together and attempted to dress like hippies. We weren't really in sync with Clara's "flower fairy" costume, but at least we tried to be festive. haha. Jason had begged me to buy her the hot dog baby costume that Target sells but I refused. :) It was such a pretty night so we just sat in our driveway, carved pumpkins, passed out candy and chatted with neighbors. The puppies even got to be involved, poor attention deprived things.
Also over the weekend I did my first craft fair! Wow, I feel so "crafty" writing that. I shared a booth with a couple other girls. We were selling baby/little girl/mommy stuff. Once we set all of our stuff up we looked around and realized "uhhhh, maybe this isn't the best place to be selling trendy little baby products..." The average age of attenders was not really conducive with what we were selling and the place strongly smelled like moth balls (I think you can figure out what I mean). Don't want to offend anyone of a particular age reading this :) But I ended up doing ok and was pleasantly surprised I sold what I did. Since this was an all weekend thing Jason got to have "daddy clara time" (that's what Jason calls it) allllll weekend long. Jason took Clara over to see the lovely grandmas and they had a good time and OF COURSE loved her UT cheerleader outfit.

I forgot to turn off the low quality setting on my camera so the pictures aren't very good. :(

Pumpkin time

Dakota with bat wings and Princess Amber. She looks thrilled.

Clara and her neighbor friend Madison

Scary astronaut guy
Our little flower fairy Happy, but struggling to stay awake

"Madilyn, why are they making us do this? Seriously, get me out of this thing"

Grandma Mary and Grandma Grace

Some of the stuff I made...

"Mommy Clutch"

Clip Holders...

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