Wednesday, September 30, 2009

2 Months!

Today Clara had her 2 month dr appointment. Praise God for a healthy baby! She weighed exactly 11 pounds (with clothes and diaper on) so she is right at the 50th percentile in weight. She was 23.5 inches "tall", which puts her in about the 80th percentile. Maybe she won't end up like all the women in my family (shorties)! I know all these "percentiles" and such don't matter, but it's still fun to see where she's at. She got a couple of her vaccines today and did so good! One was oral and the other a shot. I was really nervous because I can't stand to see her in pain but she only cried for like 30 seconds. She was so brave. :) Speaking of pain, I have been quite the klutz lately with her. I had been dreading the first time I was going to accidentally hurt her and it coincidentally happened twice last week! The first time I was carrying her in a sling and as I went to sit down in a rocking chair I bonked her head on the arm. She cried a little bit and it was in front of a bunch of moms I didn't really know so I felt like a real loser. And then the next day I pinched her leg skin (or shall I say leg roll) in the car seat buckle. She screamed, got a tiny bruise and I ended up crying myself. I know, I know, I'm a little wimpy. I called my dad (Poppy) crying like a little girl! I felt so horrible. He immediately made me get over it though and Clara quickly recovered like she always does. I think she forgave me. ;) Another "milestone" Clara has reached is sleeping a very long stretch during the night. Woo Hoo! For three nights in a row now she has slept from 9:30-6:30. We are very lucky parents to get so much sleep!

This past weekend Jason and the 3 other guys in our small group did a service project at a house in San Leon (very close to where we live). Apparently it was in very bad shape. I will put up some pictures of it soon.

Other than that, nothing really new going on. I am absolutely loving this "stay at home mom" thing. I wasn't really sure how I was gonna like it, but there has not been a day that goes by that I don't love every minute of it. I really haven't been bored a single second. I just love taking care of her and watching her grow. And even the most seemingly mundane things bring me joy, like changing her diapers and cleaning spit up off the couch. Maybe I won't feel this way in another 6 months, but I sure do now! I'm sure Clara being a super easy baby helps as well. I think the last time she woke up in the middle of the night was at about 3 weeks old (knock on wood). It sure does make the days much more enjoyable when you are well rested. Jason and I always joke around about not having any more kids because they will probably be little hellions after having such an easy one! But of course we're just joking :) .........

So cute. Look at those Popeye arms.

Hanging out with the puppies

Stare down with the birdy

Great-Grandma Nana babysat for the first time while I was at mom's bible study. Clara was a perfect angel for her :)
"Aunt" Christy

Clara finding her fingers (the littlest things excite me and make me run and get my camera)

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