Sunday, January 20, 2013

Girls Girls Girls!

On 12/12/12 we found out we were having a baby girl! We were/are extremely excited and cant wait to see what she'll be like! Waiting to find out was near torture. The first 20 weeks of my pregnancy were the weirdest in that I really thought it was a boy, yet at the same time, I really felt in my heart we would have 3 biological girls. Add the fact that I've had different food cravings this pregnancy and skin like a 15 year old going through puberty (With Clara and Ella I craved Mexican food all the time and had perfect skin) I just thought maybe something was different. So come our appointment day I really didn't know what we were gonna see. Jason took video of the moment we found out (see at bottom). I love having that memory captured. :)

We spent this Christmas in Colorado. Other than a few Guinness World Record tantrums thrown by Ella, we had a wonderful time. The girls traveled so well (which is what I was most nervous about). They seemed to enjoy all the planes, trains and automobiles we hopped between. The scenery was beautiful and Clara and I got to ski for the first time (video at bottom). Not too bad for a 3 year old and a pregnant lady. It was actually quite easy! 

Oh, and maybe the biggest, most exciting news of all???? We got a VAN!!!!!!!!! It's official, we're "van people" now. It's taken me about a year to accept this most likely would be our fate, but after just a couple weeks I can't imagine life without it. HAHA! It really is as awesome as all the van owners out there say it is. With a newborn, 2 year old and 3 year old, I can't fathom these next few years in anything else. The girls love it and ask if we can ride in it when we go places (like we have some other choice or something). So when you see a big white Honda Odyssey rollin' down the road, GET OUT THA WAY!!! 

Lots of pictures...

Celebrating Christy's 30th birthday with best friends. 

    Christmas cookie time

Leaving for the appointment 

Freaking out before the appointment.  

Ok, we calmed down and know we're having a sweet girl now! YAY!

Clara and Payton before their school Christmas concert

At the concert

Moody Gardens Festival of Lights 

At our Gender Reveal Party

A few name suggestions. What's your favorite?

Couldn't be happier to be a mom to three girls!!! 

Campbell Christmas gathering. Look at that hair! 

                                                    We got to see Grandpa Al. What a treat!

                                  Having our family Christmas time - Clara getting her rain boots

                                             Ella getting her Brobee (from Yo Gabba Gabba)

At the airport awaiting our Colorado adventure

       One of the few moments Ella was outside and not miserable. Have I mentioned she HATES cold??? Wonder where she gets that from.....

                                                                     My little snow bunny

                                                         I finally got to ski with my husband!!

                                                                 That poor naked baby

                                                                      Warm and happy

                                                                       Being a nutball

                                              Riding up the "moving sidewalk" as she called it

                                                            Campbell family Vacation Pic

                                                     Finally got to make her snow angel
You don't see this in Texas! 

                                                                                Oh ya

Finding out 

Clara skiing