Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beach Baby

Wow so much to update on! Clara is 8 months now and the fact that she will be 1 year old in less than four months blows me away. I feel like Clara has changed so much over the past few weeks. She now crawls anywhere she wants (still on her belly), can eat finger foods all by herself (picks up food between thumb and finger), drinks from a sippy cup in a reclined position, is talking more, and has FOUR, count them, FOUR teeth! Yikes!

Some of the big events that we’ve had in the past month are...

  • Clara falling off our bed. Yes, I know, I deserve the “Mom of the Year” award. I felt sooooo HORRIBLE and definitely learned my lesson. She is one tough baby. One of my ongoing prayers is “Lord, please protect Clara from me!"
  • FINALLY getting some pictures done. We did them with this awesome photographer an old friend recommended. We will get the rest of them this week!
  • Jason and I celebrated 4 years on April Fool's Day!
  • The Campbell/Crews family Galveston Vacation. We stayed in an awesome, HUGE, 6 room beach house with 18 people. It was very relaxing and Clara got to see the beach for the first time!
  • My best friend Amber is pregnant and they found out it's a girl!!!! The weird thing is that I was born in July and my friend Amber was born 14 months later in September. Well....Clara was born in July and Amber's baby girl is due 14 months later in September! They will be undeniably best friends. ;)
  • Jason went skiing with some of his senior guys in New Mexico and then traveled to Canada the next week for work.
  • The past month my shop has been EXTREMELY busy with orders. It crazy how each month my sales continue to grow and grow! I have had orders to New Zealand, Australia and Singapore!

April is going to be a busy month with baby and wedding showers, Jason's sailing trip reunion, family visiting from Ohio and trying VERY hard to be consistent with "training" for my triathlon. Once May comes things will settle down! As one of Clara's highly annoying toys sings, "busy busy busy busy there's so much to do...."

"Aunt" Christy and Clara at the gardens in League City. I love this picture!

Melly babysitting Clara

Jason offering Clara up to the seagulls

First moments on the beach

The House

I've never seen Clara think someone was as funny as Uncle Eric. Even when he wasn't happy she still laughed at him!

Two Beauties

Ready for the sun

Nasty Jellyfish!!!

Clara's 1st Easter basket. We spoil our child.

A couple of my onesie creations..


  1. Great to read about all yall have been up to. Clara is too cute-love her smile.
    And, just so you know, Isaac fell off our bed twice under my care! I need to remember to say that prayer of protection for my kiddos!

  2. ok that makes me feel so much better! every mom i talk to says "well, i know SOMEONE who that happened to..." but it's never them. ;)
