Saturday, January 31, 2009

16 weeks

16 weeks

15 weeks

14 weeks

13 weeks

12 weeks

The before picture

We are 16 weeks now!

Ok, so we take a belly picture every week so I will start posting them. Here are weeks 12-16. There isn't a BIG difference but you can tell it's growing slowly but surely. We had an appointment this past Thursday and got to hear the heartbeat! I could never get tired of that sound. Our next ultrasound is Feb 23rd. This will be the "anatomy scan" and they will check all the major organs. AND they will hopefully be able to tell us if our Tenderheart is a boy or girl!

Jason is definitely going to Japan! He is VERY excited and leaves on Valentine's day. He'll be gone for 1 week. Looks like I will have to find some places to stay during that week. Anyone want to take in a poor, lonely pregnant girl???
Jason is doing some more tiling this weekend so I will put up some updated pictures tomorrow of the progress. I know some have been asking :)


  1. AWWWWW you look soooooooo cute!!!! YAY now I have one more site to be obsessed with. LOVE YOU!

  2. Hi Aunt Traci,
    How are you? I saw your tummy. I think you are having a boy. What are you gonna name him?
    Love, Misha

  3. Dear Aunt Traci, I think you are going to have a girl. You should bring her here to see some snow. Love, Mira

  4. Hi Auntie Traci, I think you are having a girl. Love, Micah
