Friday, February 27, 2009

Our daughter...

Yes, we have decided on a name! We are so excited to announce that we will call our daughter Clara Grace! I'll share a little bit about how we came up with it.

About two and a half years ago I was visiting my great-grandmother in Ohio. For some reason during the visit I realized that her first name was Clara (I'd always called her by her last name). I had never heard that name before and thought it was really pretty. When I got home from Ohio I told Jason about it and he thought it was really pretty too. Since then we have always kept the name in the back of our minds. We just love it because of how classy and beautiful it sounds. And the fact that it was Grandma Ham's name is a special bonus for me.

Now for the middle name. First of all, we just think it's a beautiful name. So Jason's family must have good taste because there are two Graces in his family! :) Grandma Grace and Cousin Grace. But we love it most of all because of what the word "Grace" means. It means the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God. I am always overwhelmed when I realize that God did not save me because I am good or nice or deserve it. He saved me because of what Jesus did on the cross for me. It will never depend on how good or bad I am, or how many times I attend church. I'm saved through my faith in Him, by Grace. If Jason and I could some up our lives in one word it would be this one.

This week also marks another milestone. We are at the halfway mark at 20 weeks! (Or a little more than halfway if Clara comes a little early). It is so crazy how fast it's gone by! Before we know it she will be here!

20 weeks

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More pictures

Today I had my monthly checkup with my normal doctor and got to hear baby girl's heart! The doctor said she thought she felt her move when she was touching my tummy. I'm still not sure if I have felt her yet, but the doctor said if I haven't, I definitely will in the next two weeks. I have an anterior placenta (which means it's in front of my uterus) so this can muffle the kicks some. All the blood tests and measurements came back with the best results possible. Praise God for such a healthy baby! We might be close to picking a name, but until then, everyone will just have to wait in suspense :)

Here are some more pictures from Monday!

Another profile picture, this time you can see her arms

The bottom of her foot

The arrow is pointing to the parts that make her a girl :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

We have a daughter!

It's official, it's a girl!!!

Today has been one of the best days of my life, along with getting married of course. The doctor said everything looked wonderful. They looked at everything! The head, brain, heart, kidneys, stomach, bones and of course the parts that told us what SHE was. They could actually point out the labia and clitoris (sounds weird saying a baby has that). The doctor we saw today was hilarious! A lot of people get sent to him for their ultrasounds. He said that "if the baby is born with a penis then he'll pay for the plastic surgery cause it's definitely a girl." Those were his exact words. He was great. She measured right on at 19 weeks and 2 days and weighed about 10 ounces. She will be a pound in about 2.5 weeks!

She was really adorable. Moving around a lot (even though I still don't think I really feel it) and even tried putting her hands in her mouth. She also kept pointing out her index finger. She still looks like Jason to me. The doctor said she has his chin. HAHA. Speaking of Jason, looks like girls are still going to rule the house. It's now 4 to 1.

After the appointment we went to Babies R Us. Let's just say it's incredibly overwhelming, especially when you know nothing about babies. There are like 8 million bottles and teething toys to choose from. But it was really fun and went much smoother than our wedding registry :)We only got about halfway through the list though.
Hopefully we'll know a name soon! And yes, we will be sharing. :)

Me crossing my fingers before the appointment

Our precious little girl

To celebrate we just had to get something for her. This is a 3-6 months size so it will be awhile. It's just too cute.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

19 weeks and welcome back!

Jason got back from Japan today, safe and sound. And just a tad bit tired. He said he had a good time but was really ready to come home. He was able to see some shrines, The Imperial Palace, Tokyo Tower and eat various interesting foods. The grossest one to me was the raw horse meat! Sick! I will post some pictures from his trip soon.

The baby and I also turned 19 weeks today! Less than 48 hours til our appointment. :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

18 weeks and farewell to Japan

We are 18 weeks now and I'm trying to wait patiently for the first feel of those kicks. They say it should be felt anytime in the next few weeks so it could be any day now! Only 10 more days until our appointment and hopefully finding out the sex!

Jason leaves for Japan in the morning. He will be 15 hours ahead of us so his sleep schedule will definitely be off. He has already started compiling a list of things people want him to bring back so if you want something you better let him know!

I also posted a few pictures from our little getaway to Galveston last weekend

Friday, February 6, 2009

17 weeks

I finally started to gain some real weight this week...a little scary! We've both started having dreams about what the baby will be. I dreamed last night it was a boy and he dreamed last week it was a girl. I guess one of us is right. :)

Tomorrow Jason is taking me on a little weekend trip to Galveston to celebrate Valentine's day. He leaves for Japan a week from tomorrow! He started the grout tonight so here is an updated picture!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Here are some updated tiling pictures! Please excuse the mess. Jason still has a few more small tiles to put down and then of course the grout. I think he has done an amazing job! (with help of Grandpa Campbell of course).